M3 Team Hosts Missionary from Zambia

M3 Founders, Dr. Paul and Jennifer Osteen, and the M3 Conference team were so honored to host Dr. Missy Sandberg during her visit to the U.S. For the last six years, Dr. Sandberg has been serving through SIM at Mukinge Mission Hospital in Zambia. Dr. Sandberg will...

M3 Goes to D.C.

M3 Co-Founder, Dr. Paul Osteen, was honored to join Hope Through Healing Hands in Washington, D.C. last week to advocate for global health and development funding to save the lives of mothers and children in developing countries.  Click here to give one minute of your...

Community Health Evangelism Training of Trainers 1

Looking for relevant, sustainable, reproducible approaches to address community health and development that are adaptable across multiple settings?  CHE provides a strategy for community based transformational development founded on the core values of integration and...