Night tag and missions

Hey everybody, My dad started surgery today at a missions hospital and there were a couple emergency calls because of fighting between tribes. The devil has tried to attack me in different ways trying to stop me from working for the Lord. Liv and I met some new...

New friends at the hospital

Hey Everyone! How is everything over in Texas? I hope everything is going fine, I am doing great. I have recently arrived at the hospital. Yes, I am so excited that I am finally here. There are so many kind people here so far I have made many friends. There is Melody...

Our medical missions work begins!

We finally made it to our destination! Early Tuesday morning we boarded two small Cessna airplanes for the last leg of our journey from Nairobi to the mission hospital we will be working at for the next month. The flight took us over the beautiful Rift Valley of...

This trip was God’s idea

After the ups and downs of last week it is so nice to be in Nairobi this morning-jet lagged and all! Many of you may not know we were scheduled to leave last Friday but all the unrest and violence put our trip in a holding pattern. After months of anticipation and...

Now in Africa

Hey everyone! We are finally in Africa.  My brother, sisters, and I would like to thank you for all of your prayers and support! We arrived safely last night and are currently staying in Nairobi. To all of my friends, I want ya’ll to know how much fun I am already...

Jambo everybody

Jambo everybody!!! We arrived safely late last night at Komo Kenyatta! (A Kenyan airport) Last night we were at the baggage claim area and had just taken our last bag from the conveyer belt when we started to realize that our ride was not there! We searched through...