2024 M3 Conference

February 16-17, 2024

2024 M3 Conference Speakers

CLICK HERE to watch 2024 M3 Conference speaker sessions

Conference Hosts

Paul Osteen, MD, FACS and

Jennifer Osteen, RN

Co-Founders, M3 Conference

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Jenny Dyer, PhD


Joël Malm

Author and founder, Summit Leaders

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Joy Vonk, PA-C

Keynote Speaker

Stephen J. Foster, MD FRCS(C)

Clinical Director, Lubango Evangelical Medical Center

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Jenny Dyer, PhD

Anne Alaniz, DO

Gynecologic Oncologist and Founder of Pothawira

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Jenny Dyer, PhD

Nicholas Comninellis, MD, MPH, DIMPH

President & Professor, INMED

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Joy Vonk, PA-C

Erin Grim, BSN

Director of Nursing, Sacre Coeur Pediatric Center of Excellence

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Joy Vonk, PA-C

Mary E. Hermiz, RN, MSN, EdD

Missionary Emeritus, World Gospel Mission

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Joy Vonk, PA-C

Danny Joseph, MD

Bethesda International Ministries Board Member

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Joy Vonk, PA-C

Leigh Kohler

Co-Founder and President, Freedom Church Alliance

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Joy Vonk, PA-C

Larry J. Miller, MD

Missionary / Medical Doctor, Acacia Medical Missions in Spring Branch

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Matthew Dasco

Timothy Myrick, MD

Family Medicine Professor at University of Missouri Kansas City

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Matthew Dasco

Bob Paeglow, MD

Founder, President and Medical Director, Koinonia Primary Care

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Todd Price

Todd Price, MD

Infectious Disease Specialist

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Joy Vonk, PA-C

Julie Rosá, MD, MIH

Family Medicine Physician, Kanad Hospital UAE

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Joy Vonk, PA-C

Herschel Rothchild

Senior Relationship Manager, SIM USA

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Joy Vonk, PA-C

Greg Seager, RN, MSN

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Christian Health Service Corps

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Joy Vonk, PA-C

Allan T. Sawyer, MD, MS, MATS

Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART)

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Joy Vonk, PA-C

Emily Smith, PhD

Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine/Surgery, Duke University and Assistant Professor of Global Health, Duke Global Health Institute

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Mary Hermiz

Sasha Thew, BSN, MPH

Emergency Medical Response Specialist, Samaritan’s Purse International

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Joy Vonk, PA-C

James M. Tour, PhD

T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science, Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering, Rice University

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Mary Hermiz

Carlan Wendler, MD, FACEP

SERGE Missionary

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Joy Vonk, PA-C

Cindy M. Wu

Co-founder, Mosaic Formation

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Project of the Year

Each year, a portion of the conference proceeds goes toward a featured project. The 2024 M3 Project of the Year was SIM USA – Angola Project. Click to learn more about their work.

Conference Resources

The 2024 M3 Conference Program

Download the conference program to have the conference schedule, speaker/session information, exhibitors, and much more right at your fingertips!

M3 Conference Schedule

February 16-17, 2024

Lakewood Church | Houston, TX

NOTE: All times are listed in Central Standard Time (CST).

Friday, February 16, 2024

4:00 p.m.
Dinner on Own
6:00 p.m.
Main Conference Registration/Check-In (2nd Floor)
Exhibit Hall (2nd Floor)
Lakewood Church Bookstore opens (Closes at 10:30 p.m.) (2nd Floor)
7:00 p.m.
Plenary Session 01 (Main Sanctuary)

A Shepherd, A Builder and A Healer: From Layers of Poverty to Dimensions of Global Health

Speaker: Anne Alaniz, DO

Room:  Main Sanctuary


Dr. Alaniz will share her incredible journey of how God has used her personal experiences and struggles growing up in a small village in Malawi  to now lead survivor driven change in the community where she grew up.

Addressing both spiritual and physical  challenges of unstacking the layers of poverty. Her story embodies the power of community, service, grace, humility, and hope.


Whole-istic Care: Integrating Body, Soul and Spirit

Speaker: Robert (Bob) Paeglow, MD

Room:  Main Sanctuary


We at Koinonia believe that God has created us as integrated beings and as Primary Care providers we have a responsibility to care for the whole person. The topic involves our journey as to how to implement this type of care which has developed over many years. I share the triumphs and failures that we have experienced implementing this kind of care in a small, less than 5 providers, practice setting.


Using Your Clinical Skills to Serve the “Least of These” Through DART

Speaker: Sasha Thew, BSN, MPH

Room:  Main Sanctuary


A look at how to practically use your clinical skills (physician and nurses) in disaster response and DART responses in challenging and often forgotten places, specifically disasters that may not make the mainstream news circuit.


Discerning God’s Will – Take Home Lessons

Speaker: Stephen J. Foster, MD FRCS(C)

Room:  Main Sanctuary


In this session, Dr. Stephen Foster will share invaluable insights from his 45-year journey as a missionary surgeon in Angola. Join us as he imparts lessons on understanding God’s heart, discerning His call, and taking meaningful steps towards becoming the person God intended you to be. We invite you to reflect on your own journey and discover how to align yourself with God’s purpose for your life.

9:00 p.m.
Dessert & Coffee (Food Court, 2nd Floor)
Exhibit Hall (2nd Floor)
Prayer Room (2nd Floor)
Poster Presentation Session (New Beginnings Room, 2nd Floor)
10:30 p.m.
Exhibit Hall Closes

Saturday, February 17, 2024

7:00 a.m.
Breakfast (Food Court, 2nd Floor)
Exhibit Hall (2nd Floor)
Prayer Room (2nd Floor)
8:00 a.m.
Breakout Sessions 01 (2nd, 3rd & 4th Floors)

Making an Impact in a Rural Ugandan Village Through Community Health

Speaker: Todd Price, MD

Room:  Trailblazers, 2nd floor


Approximately 1.5 billion people are infected with soil-transmitted helminths worldwide, making this the most common infection in the world and contribute to an unbroken cycle of malnutrition and poverty.  Yet the standard methods of waste management worldwide include open defecation and unhygienic pit latrines, which are the main routes of disease transmission.   

In a rural Ugandan village, we introduced an alternative waste management system that drastically reduced fecal contamination in the environment and thereby contact with fecal-transmitted organisms.  It uniquely fits the rural, agricultural lifestyle of many people without access to other forms of waste management and it is sustainable since there is no need for the importation of materials, technology, or equipment.  We believe that if applied in similar communities worldwide, there will be markedly less infections, malnutrition will decrease, and the cycle of poverty broken.


Become a Missionary, It’s Easier Than You Think: “What to expect on your first medical mission trip”

Speaker: Larry J. Miller, MD

Room: Chapel, 3rd floor


Most Christian medical professionals want to make a difference in the world. You may have thought about serving as a short-term missionary, but feel you may not have the necessary skills, or don’t know how to get started. 

Over the years, I have led 25 medical mission teams (with more than 100 first-time missionaries) to serve in some of the poorest places on earth, where these volunteers have contributed greatly to global health and the Kingdom of Christ. I encourage you to break through your comfort zone and join one of the many mission teams available. I will give you practical tips on how to do it, and what to expect on your first mission trip. 


Fruit of Martyrdom

Speaker: Mary E. Hermiz, RN, MSN, EdD

Room: Warehouse, 4th floor


My mission journey of 35 years begins with the martyrdom of my grandmother in 1915 in Turkey and over 30 others from our family. My father’s last view of his mother at the age of four was lying in a pool of blood after having the flesh of her neck slashed open. Through many miraculous events my father came to the USA at the age of 10 to be reunited with his family who immigrated. After many rebellious years he became a Christian and later a minister. An ancient Christian writer, Tertullian, states “The blood of the martyr’s is the fruit of the church.” 

From the sacrifice of those who have gone before, we now have four generations in the Hermiz family in Christian service. Believing that just like in 1915, the world still needs those who are steadfast in their faith.


Health Through the Eyes of Culture 

Speaker: Nicholas Comninellis, MD, MPH, DIMPH

Room:  Loft, 4th floor


1 – Cite health interventions that are ineffective due to cultural irrelevancy. 2 – Explain four principles of cultural competence. 3 – Describe a process of observing, understanding, and adjusting to local cultures.


Serving the “Least of These” on your Mission Trip

Speaker: Danny Joseph, MD

Room:  Mission Control, 3rd floor


In the session, we will discuss what the Lord expects of us as His followers and how we can practically go about this through international missions.  Dr. Joseph will share ideas of how we can effectively care for the “Least of These” on the mission field using examples from his family’s personal experience during their missionary service in India, Africa, and Nepal.


Wholistic Care for Refugees 

Speaker: Cindy M. Wu

Room:   3022 – 3023, 3rd floor


The global refugee crisis is both an unprecedented migration phenomenon and major humanitarian issue. This workshop will provide insights from Scripture on why caring for refugees is a special mandate for followers of Jesus. We’ll conduct an asset-based assessment of refugees in our communities and discuss practical ways to get involved, all the while honoring refugees as whole persons: spirit, body, mind, and soul.

Exhibit Hall (2nd Floor) (It is optional for Exhibitors to open during Breakout Sessions)
8:50 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Breakout Sessions 02 (2nd, 3rd & 4th Floors)

Thinking Bigger about Global Health

Speaker: Emily Smith, PhD

Room:  Trailblazers, 2nd floor


This talk will encourage the audience to think bigger about global health. Often, the families I work with in Africa say they have to make a choice between paying for healthcare for one child or feeding the rest of the family. Doing both results in poverty for the family. That decision should not even be in our vocabulary as Believers – because we believe in the abundance of God, not a scarcity. As researchers or global health practitioners (missionaries, etc), sometimes we can get caught in that scarcity model of having to make a choice of only providing healthcare or only giving food, for example. This talk will focus on the ‘And, Also’ of global health through the lens of Jesus – Providing healthcare and also protecting the family from poverty. I will tell these stories through data of my own work as a global health epidemiologist who has seen the transformative power of talking about healthcare and poverty together, even at the United Nations.


Developing an Effective Communication Plan for Supporters

Speaker: Allan Sawyer, MD

Room:  Chapel, 3rd floor


This would not be the typical “how to raise financial support” but rather sharing my own experience with raising support and discussing exceptional communication skills in order to develop a support team.


What it takes to Send An Emergency Field Hospital: A Behind the Scenes Look

Speaker: Sasha Thew, BSN, MPH

Room: Warehouse, 4th floor


A look into the behind-the-scenes preparedness required to deploy an Emergency Field Hospital when a disaster strikes and the various elements to successfully establish an EFH, including initial and long-term management.


Raising Prayer and Financial Support

Speaker: Herschel Rothchild

Room: Loft, 4th floor


God has led you God will provide for you. Why we should trust God and His word. There is joy in adventure/excitement in support raising. It really all depends how we look at it. With where people are now our focus should be on trusting God and watching what He does and how He does it. We will also discuss a few books to read and why they should go to a training on support raising. The journey is a sweet one and is faith building as well as humbling.


Research as Mission: the next (final?) step in cross-cultural healthcare missions 

Speaker: Carlan Wendler, MD, FACEP

Room:  Mission Control, 3rd floor


From the earliest days of healthcare missions, direct clinical care and training of national providers have featured prominently. A renewed surge in healthcare education missions in the post-WWII era has changed the need for expatriate workers to fill to gaps of care provision and now increasingly in teaching others. The logical next step is to come alongside these professors and practitioners to generate the data that will guide best practice in their local contexts. Missions and missionaries are not yet equipped to pivot towards research as missions though it offers many advantages for Gospel discipleship and improved community health.


Propelling Your Career as a Christian Professional

Speaker: James M. Tour, PhD

Room: 3022 – 3023, 3rd floor


Key list of advice to advance a career as a Christian professional.

9:50 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Breakout Sessions 03 (2nd, 3rd & 4th Floors)

Ready, Set, GO

Speaker: Julie Rosá, MD, MIH

Room:  Trailblazers, 2nd floor


From the farmland of Kansas to the winding Appalachian Trail to the sand dunes of the UAE …  God’s adventure is always trustworthy!  Join Dr. Julie in an expanded discussion regarding God’s creative lessons in seasons of equipping, sending and GOing!  Session is especially focused on preparation for GOing to our current location in the Middle East.


Jesus Touched the Leper

Speaker: Robert (Bob) Paeglow, MD

Room: Chapel, 3rd floor


Chronic pain patients in many ways may evoke memories of the biblical lepers, that is, no one wants to touch them. At Koinonia Primary Care our target population is one of the poorest, most addicted, most violent in our city. Chronic pain, and its treatment, can become incredibly difficult and risky, in this milieu. We have developed a program to allow us to treat many of these patients with efficacy and dignity while mitigating the risk.


The Next Small Step of Obedience

Speaker: Erin Grim, BSN

Room: Warehouse, 4th floor


From entering into medical missions to helping open the first pediatric center in Guinea, West Africa. Sometimes we are called to the “big thing” from the start, but often God just asks for the next small step. I hope to encourage people in all levels of interest and experience in medical missions. Coming to a conference as a new person can feel overwhelming – how do I even start? And coming to a conference as an experienced medical missionary – where is God leading me? What is He doing? In sharing God’s faithfulness in each step for me and Sacre Coeur, I pray in this session we could all feel encouraged that God will show us the way we should go and give us the strength and courage to walk in it.


Finding Your Place in World Missions

Speaker: Joël Malm

Room: Loft, 4th floor


We all have a part to play in the call to reach the world — and you have been uniquely equipped for that mission. This talk will give you practical tips to explore what God has for you on the global mission field. 


Confronting Human Trafficking on the Mission Field

Speaker: Leigh Kohler

Room:  Mission Control, 3rd floor


Human trafficking is a growing global crisis. As followers of Jesus Christ we are part of God’s unfolding story to renew and restore a broken world. We have the opportunity to step into the brokenness and proclaim hope. As missionaries, you often serve the most vulnerable and will undoubtedly encounter victims of human trafficking. In this session we will take a deeper look into the complexities of human trafficking and ways you can be ready and equipped to confront this evil in Jesus’ name.


Understanding the One Purpose in Medical Missions: Where are you needed?

Speaker: Greg Seager, RN, MSN

Room:  3022 – 3023, 3rd floor


Overview of mission hospitals in need of short-term volunteers and long-term medical missionaries. Have you felt called to serve in medical missions but don’t know where to start? It has been said that the one purpose of short-term missions is to support long-term mission work. But what does this look like in medical missions? This session will overview how to plug into medical work God is already doing in locations around the world. It will look at mission hospitals and their medical volunteer needs in low- and middle- income countries around the world.

11:00 a.m.
Lunch (Food Court, 2nd Floor)
Exhibit Hall (2nd Floor)
Prayer Room (2nd Floor)
Nurse’s Networking Session (Trailblazers Room, 2nd Floor)
Physician & Dentist’s Networking Session (Trailblazers Area, Rooms 2028/2029/2030, 2nd Floor)
Lakewood Church Bookstore Opens (Closes @ 5:30 p.m.) (2nd Floor)
1:00 p.m.
Plenary Session 02 (Main Sanctuary)

The Mission You’re Already Prepared For

Speaker: Joël Malm

Room: Sanctuary


What if everything that has happened to you has prepared you for a unique mission? This talk will help you connect the dots of what God has been doing to prepare you for your calling to reach the world with his love. 


The Faith in the Margins

Speaker: Emily Smith, PhD

Room:  Main Sanctuary


What does it mean to love our neighbor? Taking lessons from the Biblical parable of the Good Samaritan and through my lens as an epidemiologist, the talk focuses on the three “C’s” of loving our neighbor: Centering correctly, Cost, and Courage. When we ‘center’ correctly on our neighbors like Jesus showed us, our hearts and actions align correctly to love in word and deed. Often this comes with a ‘cost’ that is worth it since our eyes are on the Author and Perfector of our faith. That gives us ‘courage’ to live boldly for our neighbors, including our global neighbors. This courage needs wisdom too and I will conclude with the powerful example of Nehemiah reminding us to do ‘our good work and not come down’. Throughout the talk, I will scatter in data from my own work in Somaliland, Burundi, and Tanzania for children with cancer or surgical needs.


The Conductor and the Virtuoso

Speaker: Carlan Wendler, MD, FACEP

Room:  Main Sanctuary


How a networked world has changed the game for healthcare missions qualifications – Scudder, Livingstone, Schweitzer, Hume, Mackenzie, Steury, and many healthcare missionaries of the past two centuries were renaissance men, carpenters and architects, mechanics and engineers, physicians and administrators. For those of us who did not grow up on a ranch or a farm or in a world without running water, electric lights, or the Internet, their stories can sometimes feel remote or near-legendary. However, the most effective healthcare missionaries of the 21st Century probably need a new and different set of competencies, one they might be closer to already possessing than they know.

3:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall (2nd Floor)
Prayer Room (2nd Floor)
4:00 p.m.
Plenary Session 03 (Main Sanctuary)

The Future of Medical Missions

Speaker: Stephen J. Foster, MD FRCS(C)

Room:  Main Sanctuary


To unravel the future of medical missions, it is essential to delve into their roots and current landscape. What insights did God impart to Moses regarding health and prevention? How did Jesus exemplify compassion towards the sick? As modern-day Christians, how can we demonstrate our own compassion? Let us keep our hearts and eyes fixed upon the radiant face of Christ, for in doing so, we will remain actively engaged until His return, faithfully expressing His compassion for the world.


My Journeys of YES, 2.0 

Speaker: Julie Rosá, MD, MIH

Room:  Main Sanctuary


Prepping/equipping/Going in the context of Intentional international medicine in the Middle Eastern context.

5:00 p.m.
Conference Ends

M3 Pre-Conference Schedule

NOTE: All times are listed in Central Standard Time (CST).


Tropical Medicine, Traveler’s Health, and How to Launch a New Healthcare Ministry

8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

The Loft, 4th Floor

Nicholas Comninellis MD, MPH, DIMPH; Stephen J. Foster, MD, FRCS(C); and Timothy Myrick, MD, DTMH

Hosted by:
INMED — Institute for International Medicine

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Information:
Physician Continuing Education

Institute for International Medicine is accredited by the Missouri State Medical Association to provide continuing medical education (CME) for physicians.

The Institute for International Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 7 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Note: All course participants who complete the online course evaluation and credit claims form will receive a certificate of completion that contains the CME statement. This can be submitted to the respective course participants professional organization for continuing education credit.

Important Note Regarding CME Credit:  If you choose the CME option, your contact information (name, email address, and phone number) will be shared with INMED to help in processing your CME credits.


Course Description:
The morning sessions will cover “How to Launch a New Healthcare Ministry.” Health is in crisis throughout low-resource communities, compelling leaders to design and lead health systems that are both effective and efficient. These sessions address assessment of needs and resources, planning of appropriate interventions and services, and the logistics of ongoing leadership. Also covered are the subjects of funding, relations with regulators, health professions education opportunities, community buy-in, and integration of faith and healthcare.

The afternoon sessions will cover “Tropical Medicine and Traveler’s Health.” Citizens of tropical settings are at risk for special diseases unfamiliar to healthcare professionals from higher latitudes. These sessions will address the most prevalent tropical diseases (Malaria, TB, HIV), as well as those commonly neglected tropical diseases (schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis). Also, covered is counseling, vaccination, and chemoprophylaxis for travelers to tropical settings.


8:00am – 8:40am Tropical Medicine Overview
8:40am – 8:50am Break
8:50am – 9:30am Mosquito Borne Infections
9:30am – 9:40am Break
9:50am – 10:30am Malaria and TB
10:30am – 10:40pm Break
10:40am – 11:20am Tissue Dwelling Parasites
11:20am – 12:00pm Traveler’s Health
12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch (Chick-Fil-A box lunch provided)
1:00pm – 1:30pm Health Leadership for Low-Resource Communities
1:30pm – 2:00pm New Healthcare Ministry Lessons Learned #1
2:00pm – 2:10pm Break
2:10pm – 2:40pm New Healthcare Ministry Lessons Learned #2
2:40pm – 4:00pm New Healthcare Ministry Design Simulation Exercise

M3 Sponsors

M3 would like to say a special ‘THANK YOU’ to all of our faithful sponsors. Sponsors’ financial support of the conference helps keep registration costs low and allows us to focus our efforts on connecting organizations with people who want to take their expertise and care to a world in need. Partner with M3 Conference today!

Click here to learn how you can become a sponsor of the M3 Conference.

Presenting Sponsor:

Lakewood Church

Platinum Sponsor:

The RGDG Fund

Gold Sponsor:

Houston's First Baptist Church

Silver Sponsors:

Casa El Buen Samaritano
Diversity Travel
First Presbyterian Church Houston
Medical Journal Houston
Medical Journal Houston

Nickel Sponsors:

Christian Health Service Corps
Egbe Medical Mission
Joyce Meyer Ministries - Hand of Hope
Houston Methodist
Hogden Industries World Intl Resources

Bronze Sponsors:

Living Water International
Child Legacy Intl
Health Outreach to the Middle East
Health Outreach to the Middle East
Living Water International
Medical Bridges
Medical Bridges
Mornings Kolaches
Mornings Kolaches
Mornings Kolaches

M3 Exhibitors

89.3 KSBJ

Advancing the Gospel in Angola

Africa Inland Mission

Agape in Action

Alaska Medical Missions


Asha Partners

BackpackEMR / Binary Bridge

Blessings International

Bridging the Gap

Buckner International*

Care for a Child’s Heart

Casa El Buen Samaritano*

Christ for the City International

Christian Health Service Corps*

Christian Medical & Dental Associations – Houston

Church Family Missions Ministry

Clean Water Climb / Child Legacy International*



Crescent Project

Diversity Travel*

Egbe Medical Mission*

Eye Doc in a Box

Faith Ventures

FAME – Fellowship Associates of Medical Evangelism

Haiti Bible Mission

Health Bridges Abroad

Health Outreach to the Middle East (H.O.M.E.)*

Hope Ignited

Hope Walks

Hospital Yojoa

Houston Global Health Collaborative

H-Town Dream Center

In His Image Family Medicine Residency Program

INMED – Institute for International Medicine

Interserve USA

Jewish Voice Ministries International

Joyce Meyer Ministries | Hand of Hope*

Kids Alive International

Lakewood Church Champions Club

The Landing

Living Hope Chaplaincy

Living Water International*

Love Botswana

Malawi Collective

MAP International

Medical Benevolence Foundation

Medical Bridges*


Mercy Ships

Mexico Medical Missions

Mission Aviation Fellowship

Mission of Hope International Church

MNT Travel / Mission Nation Travel

Nursing and Mission Hospital Resource Center

Oasis Medical Fellowship


Project C.U.R.E.

Reach Beyond

Rescue Hope International Ministries

Rigid Tent Systems (RTS)

Samaritan’s Purse / World Medical Mission


Soddo Christian Hospital

TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission)

Tree of Life for Hope

Tyndale Bible Translators

Uganda Counseling and Support Services

U-VOL Foundation

World Vision

Youth With A Mission/University of the Nations Kona

YWAM Ships Kona


*Also a conference sponsor

M3 Partners


M3 sponsors help support the vision of M3 by contributing financially and have an opportunity to promote their own organization through partnering.


M3 exhibitors have the opportunity to present and educate about their organization, as well as connect with people looking for a place to serve.

Church Partners

M3 church partners are ministries from many different Christian denominations who believe in and support the heart and vision of the M3 Conference.