My time at the orphanage and church

Hello everyone! I hope everything is going well. I have had an absolutely amazing, incredible day. We went back down the creek yesterday, and I finally swam. Though we did encounter a problem on our way to the creek, young men and boys were bathing in the creek. (It...

Our first church service

We attended our first church service this morning.  About 100 people, most of who work in the hospital, gather together for a service.  We read scripture, sang hymns–My Jesus I Love Thee, Are You Washed in the Blood?, There is a Fount… and then the Kenyan...

The best day ever

Today was the best day ever. I did many exciting things and had tons of adventures. I went with Melody to hold babies in the nursery. All of the babies were very young (Melody held one that was born the day before) and very small. They weighed barely anything! I had a...

Night tag and missions

Hey everybody, My dad started surgery today at a missions hospital and there were a couple emergency calls because of fighting between tribes. The devil has tried to attack me in different ways trying to stop me from working for the Lord. Liv and I met some new...

New friends at the hospital

Hey Everyone! How is everything over in Texas? I hope everything is going fine, I am doing great. I have recently arrived at the hospital. Yes, I am so excited that I am finally here. There are so many kind people here so far I have made many friends. There is Melody...

Our medical missions work begins!

We finally made it to our destination! Early Tuesday morning we boarded two small Cessna airplanes for the last leg of our journey from Nairobi to the mission hospital we will be working at for the next month. The flight took us over the beautiful Rift Valley of...