Pre-Conference Workshop 2

Pre-Conference Workshop 2: From Success to Significance: Building a Life of Purpose

Join us for our 2nd Pre-conference workshop facilitated by Joël Malm, Founder of Summit Leaders. Space is limited, click here to register today!

Friday, February 17, 2017 1- 4pm

Every successful person comes to a point when you look around and start to ponder what’s next. Life is good – great job, great family, great income – but you know there is something more within you. What used to get you excited at work no longer holds its same appeal. When you get to this place it’s a sign that it’s time to shift from success to significance.

  • Session 1:
    Making the Shift from Success to Significance
  • Session 2:
    Finding Your Message
  • Session 3:
    Mapping a Vision for Significance

Connect with Others. Be Inspired. Find Your Mission.

#ICYMI: M3 Impact Moment 3

This past Thursday, Dr. Paul Osteen spoke with Caleb Magnino, Mike Reiszner, and Julian Swanson about how medical missions has impacting their lives, and how you can get involved. Check it out below!

Pre-Conference Workshop 1

An Introduction to Ultrasound for the Mission Field:  Learn How to Use and Acquire an Ultrasound for Your Patients

Ultrasonography is an incredible portable diagnostic tool for limited resource settings. In this workshop, you will learn basic ultrasound scanning techniques. Hands-on training will be led by physicians and sonographers and will include obstetric, abdominal, pelvic, trauma and aortic scanning.   In addition, you will learn of the opportunities provided by SonoSite for borrowing ultrasound machines for short-term mission trips. Space is limited, click here to register today.

Friday, February 17, 2017 from 1:00pm-4:00pm

  • Session 1:
    The Physics of Ultrasonography
  • Session 2:
    Basic Scanning Techniques for Obstetrics, Abdomen (including aorta), Pelvis and Trauma
  • Session 3:
    Scanning workshop participants will have the opportunity to participate in a lab where they can practice with supervision.


Connect with Others. Be Inspired. Find Your Mission.

Kenya Relief: Rekindling Hope for a New Generation

Partnership between communities, uniting for a common good.

Steve and Greta James were prompted to travel to Kenya to meet a little boy named Newton after the death of their daughter, Brittney. Brittney had been sponsoring Newton for three years and hoped to travel to Kenya to meet him, but was never able to make it. Brittney was found dead in her off-campus apartment at the age of 19. Their lives broken and wrecked, her parents, Steve and Greta decided to do something she would have wanted to do in memory of her. God laid it on their hearts to meet her sponsored child, and 6 months later Steve set out for Kenya to meet Newton.

While in Kenya, Steve planned to use his skills as a nurse anesthetist at a hospital there, and also brought a pallet of supplies after contacting a local hospital. Little did he know, he would be blown away by the amount of need in the community. Upon his return to the United States, he shared his experience with everyone, and he and his wife founded, a faith-based organization that partners with others to make a difference in the world by sharing the love of Jesus Christ through physical, mental, and emotional aid.

The James’s organization participates in numerous missions activities: Every year they send about 20 short-term mission teams to work in various areas of need, including medical/surgical, educational, evangelical, and construction among others. also has over 130 orphaned/vulnerable children in their care. Most are at their orphanage, Brittney’s Home of Grace, while some are at boarding school, university or are part of their home-based care program. The organization is also the home to the Brase Clinic and Vision Center, the Kenya Relief Academy, and partners with community leaders to complete clean water projects, delivery of medical supplies to local clinics and hospitals, support widows in the community, and assist churches through pastor conferences, construction, and donations…and those are only a few of the missions activities, as they believe community outreach and involvement is vital for the future of and the community. will be one of the exhibitors at the 2017 M3 Conference! Join them and many more exhibitors to learn more about how you can do your part to make a positive impact in our world.

Say, “Yes!” to medical missions by registering for the 2017 M3 Conference! We’ll see you there!

Connect with Others. Be inspired. Find your mission.

