M3 in the News: Crazy Blessed with Hannah Keeley

Dr. Paul and Jennifer Osteen, Co-Founders of the Mobilizing Medical Missions (M3) Conference, had the joy of joining Hannah Keeley on her Crazy Blessed podcast to discuss what it looks like living by faith trusting God with what you have in your hand and seeing what He will do with it, and how that led Dr. Paul and Jennifer to starting the M3 Conference.

“You don’t have to go across the world to serve, you can serve right where you are.” said Jennifer Osteen.

CLICK HERE to watch full podcast.

M3 in the News: The Christian Post

Dr. Paul Osteen, Mobilizing Medical Missions (M3) Conference Co-Founder, had the opportunity to speak with The Christian Post’s Leah MarieAnn Klett to discuss mobilizing Christians to help meet global health needs.

“I think about all the different areas in the world that are just suffering right now, and I think God cares about those people,” Osteen said. “As believers, we can be lulled to sleep by the numbers and by the sheer volume of the problems that are going on. Yet, we have to keep our hearts tender to say, ‘Is there anything that I could do to help in those situations?’ Because God cares about those people.”

CLICK HERE to read the full article.

M3 in the News: Faithwire

Mobilizing Medical Missions (M3) Conference Co-Founder, Dr. Paul Osteen, had the pleasure to talk with Billy Hallowell with CBN’s Faithwire. During their discussion, Dr. Paul had the opportunity to share about how God placed a dream in his heart as a young child, and today that dream has come to pass through serving as a medical missionary and founding the M3 Conference.

“There’s a lot of suffering, and Christians should be involved in alleviating that suffering as best as we can.” Osteen said in the interview with Faithwire.

CLICK HERE to read the full article.

M3 in the News: The Washington Times

Mobilizing Medical Missions (M3) Conference Co-Founder, Dr. Paul Osteen, had the honor to be interviewed by Mark A. Kellner with The Washington Times. They discussed some of the healing miracles experienced through the years at Lakewood Church, and what eventually led to the founding of the M3 Conference.

“We see God move supernaturally,” Dr. Osteen said in the telephone interview. “But we also know that God uses medicine and doctors and nurses.”

CLICK HERE to read the full article.
