Defend the Orphan

Do you know the name of one orphan? This is the question that led Mike Reiszner and his wife, Mandy, to start Coreluv International.  Coreluv believes that Isaiah 1:17, “Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed, Defend the Orphan. Fight for the rights...

Raising a Mission-Minded Family

The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed. ~Hudson Taylor In this session from the 2018 M3 Conference, Janet Topazian, PhD, and Jennifer Osteen, RN, will discuss how to raise a mission-minded family. They will share...

A Day in the Life of a Missionary Doctor

We at M3 love to hear how our friends are doing in the mission field.  Dr. Julian Swanson and his beautiful wife, Devyn, keep an active and informative blog that shares their journey in serving the people of Peru.  Dr. Swanson recently wrote about a day in his life as...

Just Say Yes, Period.

All missions requires is a willing heart. I had a friend who always took pictures. Ever since I knew her, she had a camera in her hand. We met when we were in middle school, so I watched her graduate from little disposable cameras, to cameras that had detachable...