“When we enter new cultures, we become keenly aware of the fact that other people live differently.  At first we see the difference in dress, food, language, and behavior.  Then we learn that there are profound differences in beliefs, feelings and values.  Finally, we begin to realize that there are fundamental differences in worldviews.  People in different cultures do not live in the same world with different labels attached to it, but in radically different worlds.” Paul Hiebert

In this Breakout Session from the 2018 M3 Conference, Dr. Tom Byrd addresses the differences we will face when entering new cultures to serve. He will provide tips for preparing for both short and long-term missions as well as advice on pitfalls to avoid. This session will be helpful for those planning their first mission trip as well as experienced missionaries. The talk will conclude with several helpful resources for volunteering abroad.

Tom Byrd, MD, has been a practicing physician for over 22 years and is Director of Hospital Medicine at Brownwood Regional Medical Center. He has been active in missions work in Burundi (Africa) for a number of years and has worked in several clinics in rural Burundi. He is currently on the Board of Directors for “The Cries Of A Child”, a Christian NGO based in Bukeye Burundi and serves as the Clinical Consultant for The Cornerstone Clinic in Bukeye. He has been active in clinic expansion, development and in establishing a program for malnutrition for the clinic.

Click here to learn more about the programs and projects of The Cries of a Child in Burundi.