In 2 Timothy 2:2 Paul writes, “And the things you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” That verse has been the major component of the marching orders for the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons since 1997. In this session at the 2017 M3 Conference, Dr. Keir Thelander, the Chief Medical Officer of PAACS, will share how God has now expanded PAACS’ influence to 9 training sites in 8 different countries across Africa. One hundred percent of PAACS’ graduates continue to work and serve and share the love of Christ in Africa. In spite of the challenges of overseeing a cross-cultural, across country borders program, God continues to open doors for growth and the expansion of His glory through PAACS.

Click here to learn more about the work of PAACS.