What is your mission? That is the question that Corné Blom, the Vice President of International Programs for Mercy Ships, explores in this Breakout Session at the 2019 M3 Conference. About 5 billion people worldwide do not have adequate access to surgical interventions.  Every year, 143 million surgeries are lacking.  Behind every statistic is a story, a life – a person waiting for hope and healing.  Together we are part of one race on our planet, irrespective of country, creed or color.  Discover the stories of lives transformed through hope and healing…and discover how you can contribute!

Corné will also share about Mercy Ships and how it exists as a compassionate response to a world in need; to learn more, click here.

To connect with representatives from Mercy Ships, join us for the next M3 Conference on February 21-22, 2020, in Houston, Texas. Click here to register and save $5 with code: M3MISSIONS20