This past week executive directors Jenny Eaton Dyer, PhD from Hope Through Healing Hands and William Moore, Executive Director at The Eleanor Crook Foundation, co-hosted a breakout session at Lakewood Church in Houston on the importance of nutrition during the 1000 day window – from conception to 2 years old – of a child’s life for proper cognitive and physical development. We live in a time where 1 out of 3 people suffer from malnutrition in some form. The most devastating consequences include stunting and wasting of children who are victims of undernutrition.

But the good news is that, together, we can really bolster funding and food security worldwide with advocacy. Right now less than one percent of the U.S. budget goes to foreign assistance. And nutrition is just one percent of that one percent. A fraction of funding that should be protected and enhanced with proper nutrition education and counseling during this critical time for mothers and children.

We encourage you to call or write your Congressional representative today ( or and let them know that you support full funding for nutrition in foreign assistance to allow children and families to flourish to their full potential in school, in jobs, and in life. We can be the generation to end poverty. This is a critical step.

Please join us.

How you can advocate.

M3 Breakout Session Nutrition 2-18-17.pdf

Article from Hope Through Healing Hands blog.