M3 Partners Helping Ukraine

Our hearts and prayers are with those in Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Russia and beyond who have been impacted by this war.

There are many M3 partners who have boots on the ground and are helping in various ways. We encourage you to visit their websites to see how you can link arms with them and help multiply their efforts:


Agape Unlimited

Blessings International

Christian Health Service Corps


Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope

Map International

Medical Bridges

Operation Mobilization

Project C.U.R.E.

Samaritan’s Purse


World Gospel Mission

World Missions Alliance

World Vision

Let’s continue to pray and do what we can to help!


*Pictured above: Project C.U.R.E. delivering supplies to help bring relief to those effected in and around Ukraine.

Harrison and Eileen Wilder: M3 Changed Everything for Us


Harrison and Eileen Wilder first attended M3 in 2017.  They had an interest and desire to reach the unreached.  Although they didn’t come from a medical background or serve as full-time missionaries, they found M3 to be the perfect place to find connection, find their mission, and find information about opportunities to serve across the world. In this video, the Wilders share how M3 changed everything for them.

The M3 Conference is Going Virtual!


The Mobilizing Medical Missions (M3) Conference is going VIRTUAL, and the registration fee is being waived thanks to our generous conference sponsors!

We invite you to join us for this FREE one-night only live ONLINE event where you can:

  • Be inspired by great speakers, including New York Times best-selling author, speaker and advocate, Bob Goff!
  • Connect with others in live chats and speaker Q&A’s!
  • Find your mission by checking out our partner organizations that offer opportunities to serve both locally and abroad!
  • Watch great academic research poster presentations!
  • Download valuable online conference resources!
  • Be a part of helping support medical missions around the globe as the 2022 M3 Conference will benefit Good Shepherd Health Care in India.

Although the hosting platform has changed, the vision of the conference remains the same – to help people “connect with others, be inspired, and find their mission.”

We may not be together in person this year, but we can still do M3 in community – host a watch party, make it a fundraising event for a favorite mission organization or that mission trip you are planning to take, be creative!  You don’t want to miss this great opportunity to learn ways to reach the unreached in this new season.

Register today to join us at the 2022 M3 Conference on February 18th!

Dr. Paul Osteen reports from Zambia 2018

“It’s like putting our 5 loaves and 2 fish in the hand of Jesus; it’s just amazing to see what happens,” says Paul Osteen, MD.

In this video, Dr. Osteen shares what a day is like serving at a mission hospital in Zambia, and he ends with this thought, “If you want to have a challenging life and if you want to have a rewarding and satisfying life, consider some part of being involved in medical missions around the globe. The needs are great, the opportunities are great, and the reward and satisfaction are quite unbelievable.” To find your mission, make plans to attend the annual Mobilizing Medical Missions (M3) Conference where you can visit with over 70 organizations that offer short-term and long-term opportunities to serve both locally and abroad.
