Friday, February 21, 2020
(refer to each workshop listing below for their specific times):
- Morning Workshops: 9am-12pm
- Afternoon Workshops: 1pm-4pm
- Full-Day Workshop: 8am-4pm
Lakewood Church
3700 Southwest Freeway
Houston, Texas 77027
(3rd & 4th Floors)
- Refer to each workshop listing below for specific cost per workshop.
- Fee includes workshop admission and self-parking voucher. For the Full-Day Workshop, a Chick-fil-A box lunch is also included.
- You can choose up to one morning workshop and one afternoon workshop OR the full-day workshop.
Space is limited, and registrations will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
Between the Pre-Conference Workshop morning and afternoon sessions from 12pm-1pm, you will have time to have lunch on your own*. There are several restaurant options within walking distance; click here for list of nearby restaurants. There will also be a couple of food trucks onsite in the circle drive area (Timmons Lane side of building) that you can access from the 2nd floor level. If you need help finding any of these locations, please ask a Pre-Conference Workshop volunteer (they will be wearing bright green M3 Conference t-shirts), and they will be happy to assist you.
*Please note that if you are registered for the full-day “Medical Missions 101 Gathering” Workshop #5, a Chick-fil-A boxed lunch will be provided.
- Pre-Conference Workshop parking will be located at 3440 Richmond Avenue, Houston, Texas 77046.
- Upon arriving at the parking lot, please be prepared to show your conference confirmation email and get a parking voucher from the parking lot attendant to place on your dashboard.
- The lot is a short walk to the conference venue, or you can wait to ride the conference shuttle van that will be running continuously between the parking lot and the conference venue from 7:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m.
- Once you park for the Pre-Conference Workshop, you may leave your car in the parking lot until the end of the main conference, which ends at 10:30 p.m. that Friday evening.
- The main conference is also located at Lakewood Church.
PLEASE NOTE: parking will be located in a different location on the Saturday of the conference. For Saturday parking information, click here to visit the conference website’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
To register for the Pre-Conference Workshop(s), click on the “Register Today” button (available at the top and bottom of this page) and choose “Attendee” as the “Registration Type.” Follow the prompts to register for the main M3 Conference, and then you will have the option to register for the Pre-Conference Workshop(s) as well. The Pre-Conference Workshops are also available to Exhibitors and Sponsors within those registration paths. Please note that the Pre-Conference Workshop(s) are optional and are only available at an additional fee.
Already registered for the M3 Conference and want to add a Pre-Conference Workshop to your registration? Please follow these steps:
- Go to M3 Conference registration page here.
- Scroll down and click on “Already Registered?” under the “Register” button.
- Enter your email address and confirmation number from your original order, and click ‘OK’ to access your account.
- Click on “Modify” in the top left hand corner of your confirmation page to go through each page of your registration to make any changes or additions you would like.
- PLEASE NOTE: If you add a Pre-Conference Workshop option to your registration, you will need to go all the way through the check-out process to pay the additional fee and click “Finish.”
Morning Workshops
9am to 12pm
Workshop 01
Morning Session
Helping Babies Breathe
3rd Floor
Nicholas Comninellis, MD, MPH, DIMPH and Timothy Myrick, MD
Hosted By:
INMED – Institute of International Medicine
One million newborns die each year from respiratory distress. Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) is an evidence-based educational program to equip healthcare personnel teach basic neonatal resuscitation techniques to midwives and birth attendants in low-resource locations.
Session 1:
Burden of Preventable Mother and Newborn Deaths
Session 2:
Newborn Resuscitation Techniques Learned with Hands-on Experience
Session 3:
Teaching HBB to Other
Workshop 02
Morning Session
Refugees 101 + Trauma
3rd Floor
Shelly Homeyer, PhD; Molly Raney; and Cindy Wu, MA
Hosted By:
Houston Welcomes Refugees
Mobilize your city to welcome refugees with compassion, hope and honor as they resettle and start a new life in your city. Houston Welcomes Refugees exists to ease the resettlement process for new refugees arriving to Houston by mobilizing invested, caring volunteers, and fostering hope amidst crisis. This pre-conference session will introduce you to the global refugee crisis, discuss resettlement in Houston, and provide a special focus on trauma and its impact on refugees. Participants will leave with increased knowledge and tools to help expand the current services provided or to initiate services to refugees in their local areas.
Session 1:
Introduction to the Global Refugee Crisis
Session 2:
The effects of trauma on refugee integration
Session 3:
Tools for hope and healing for refugees
Afternoon Sessions
1pm to 4pm
Workshop 03
Afternoon Session
Diseases of Poverty
3rd Floor
Nicholas Comninellis, MD, MPH, DIMPH and Timothy Myrick, MD
Hosted By:
INMED – Institute of International Medicine
A number of diseases are particularly associated with poverty, predictably appearing in times of disaster, economic depression, or civil unrest. This workshop will equip and update clinicians to manage the most prevalent and generally unfamiliar diseases of poverty.
Session 1:
Overview of the Diseases of Poverty
Session 2:
TB & Leprosy + HTN & Syndrome Management
Session 3:
Tropical Medicine Case Studies + Tropical Fever
Workshop 04
Afternoon Session
The Heart of Medical Missions
3rd Floor
Jacques Ebhele, MD and Allan T. Sawyer, MD
Hosted By:
INMED – Institute of International Medicine
Learn what local healthcare professionals expect and want the most from a short-term missionary, both medically and spiritually. A unique opportunity to hear from the perspective of an African surgeon receiving missionaries and an American physician who has served on short-term medical mission trips for 16 years.
Session 1:
Serving Exceedingly Well in Short-Term: Culturally, Professionally, Spiritually
Session 2:
What Makes a Really Good Missionary
Session 3:
Interactive Session, Questions & Answers, Case Studies
Full Day Workshop
8am to 4pm
Workshop 05
Full-Day Session
Medical Missions 101 Gathering at M3
(a Chick-fil-A box lunch is included in cost)
- Attendees Not Receiving CME Credits: $80
- Healthcare Professionals (CMDA Members) Receiving CME Credits: $80
- CMDA Staff: $80
- Healthcare Professionals (Non-CMDA Members) Receiving CME Credits: $150
- Missionaries Receiving CME Credits: $150
The Loft (4th Floor)
Bruce Dalman, MD, MSHPE, FAAFP, ABFM
Terry Dalrymple, MDiv
Arnold Gorske, MD
Greg Seager, RN, MSN
Laura Smelter, MD
Keir Thelander, MD, FACS, FWACS, FCS (ECSA)
Sponsored/Hosted By:
Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA) and Christian Health Service Corps (CHSC)
Continuing Education:
Accreditation Statement
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of Christian Medical & Dental Associations and Christian Health Service Corps. The Christian Medical & Dental Associations is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The AMA Designation Statement
The Christian Medical & Dental Associations designates this educational activity for a maximum of 6.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Dental Credit
Christian Medical & Dental Associations
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit.
Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
1/1/2019 to 12/31/2022
Provider ID#218742
6.5 Lecture Hours Available.
No prior level of skill, knowledge, or experience is required (or suggested)
Course designed for physicians and dentists and other healthcare professionals
Physician Assistant
AAPA accepts certificates of participation for educational activities certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. by an organization accredited by the ACCME or a recognized state medical society.
Physician assistants may receive up to 6.5 credits for completing this activity.
Nurse Practitioner
The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program (AANPCP) accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by the ACCME. Individuals are responsible for checking with the AANPCP for further guidelines.
Nurse practitioners may receive up to 6.5 credits for completing this activity.
This educational activity has been approved by the Ohio Nurses Association (ONA), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (OBN-001-91). Determination of credit is pending.
The purpose of this workshop is to provide tools, knowledge, and strategy to help you, your church, organization, or mission program implement effective healthcare missions. We will also look at ways individuals and groups can connect with Christian mission hospitals and health programs globally.
Topics to be discussed include: how to engage with mission hospitals, preparation for surgical work overseas, medical education as a mission model, lifesaving strategies for low-resource settings, what medications are and are not safe in developing communities, international standards for healthcare delivery in developing countries, and community health strategies for low-resource settings.
Time, Session and Credit Details:
Breakout Sessions
(Choose One)
WHO/UNICEF Guidelines for Child Health in Resource-Poor Settings
WHO Safe Surgery Guidelines for Resource-Poor Settings
WHO Guidelines for Health Education in Resource-Poor Settings
Educational Objectives:
- Describe the purpose for integrated ministries such as Community Health Evangelism.
- Identify transformational indicators used to measure the success of an integrated Community Health program.
- List the steps in implementing a Community Health Evangelism program.
- Analyze resources and collaborative partners to help build and expand their programs.
- Discuss three keys to building successful integrated community health ministries.
- Describe the story of successful CHE programs in different contexts around the world.
- Assess critical systems problems inherent in Short-term Medical Missions (STM).
- Identify simple evidence-based systems solutions to life threatening STM drug-related problems.
- List the WHO guidelines based on the work of missionary mentors and scientific evidence.
- Compare this holistic evidence-based approach to the STM drug-based approach.
- Summarize Christian missionary contributions to WHO international standards and guidelines.
- Identify how STM physicians, pharmacists and other providers can have the greatest impact for patient health.
- Discuss Best Practice references founded on evidence-based international standards and guidelines.
- Discuss the Biblical basis and missionary influence on WHO evidence-based guidelines to “save the most lives and prevent the most suffering.”
- Demonstrate how even poorly funded urban churches and short-term global missions can utilize WHO guidelines to enable a long-term, culture-changing, community-wide impact, without the adverse effects of drug-based treatment (Health Screening & Education and other approaches).
- Describe how the same education program has been utilized at all levels of care from hospital to local community; by physicians, nurses, pastors, teachers, as well as community health workers; in the US and throughout the world.
- Compare the integrated, evidence-based, holistic approach with the drug-based approach for treatment/prevention of the most common causes of death and suffering in the US and globally.
- List necessary preparations and needed items for the delivery of safe medical surgical care in resource-limited settings.
- Discuss ways to engage in global health initiatives that support both patient safety and Christian mission hospitals, struggling to provide care and medical education in the developing world.
- Discuss WHO/UNICEF and evidence-based guidelines and standards as they relate to child health in resource-poor settings.
- Discuss WHO and evidence-based guidelines and standards as they relate to treating the most common tropical diseases.
- Discuss how to effectively practice medicine in resource-poor contexts through asking questions and discussing key ideas.
- Describe the key standards, resources, and documents available to guide international medical relief work in the area of disaster and refugee situations.
- Describe the scope of possible methods of serving as a medical educator.
- Construct a more holistic approach to the participants’ desired method of serving as a medical educator.
- Discuss the issues confounding the development of Christian training programs.
- Discuss WHO standards and guidelines for surgical safety in developing world hospitals.
- Discuss the key points of the day.
- Synthesize learning from the various sessions of this conference.
M3 Partners
M3 sponsors help support the vision of M3 by contributing financially and have an opportunity to promote their own organization through partnering.
M3 exhibitors have the opportunity to present and educate about their organization, as well as connect with people looking for a place to serve.
Church Partners
M3 church partners are ministries from many different denominations who believe in and support the heart and vision of the M3 Conference.