2018 M3 Pre-Conference


Friday, February 23, 2018

9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm

Lakewood Church
3700 Southwest Freeway, Houston, TX 77027

$25 per person, per workshop.
Fee includes parking and shuttle service.
Attendees can choose up to one morning session workshop and one afternoon session workshop.

Limited to 50 people per workshop

Parking Directions:
Pre-Conference Workshop parking will be at Edwards Greenway Cinema parking garage located at 3830 Norfolk Street, Houston, TX 77027. Upon registration, a parking pass will be emailed to you. There will be shuttle service to and from the parking garage.

How To Register:
To register for the Pre-Conference Workshop(s), click on the “Register” button and choose “Attendee” as the “Registration Type.” Follow the prompts to register for the main M3 Conference, and then you will have the option to register for the Pre-Conference Workshop(s) as well. Please note that the Pre-Conference Workshop(s) are optional and are available at an additional fee.

If you have already registered for the M3 Conference and want to add a Pre-Conference Workshop to your registration, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Conference Registration Page here
  2. Scroll down and click on “Already Registered?” under the “Register” button.
  3. Enter your email address and confirmation number from your original order, and click ‘OK’ to access your account.
  4. Click on “Modify” in the top left hand corner of your confirmation page to go through each page of your registration to make any changes or additions you would like.
  5. PLEASE NOTE: If you add a Pre-Conference Workshop option to your registration, you will need to go all the way through the check-out process to pay the additional fee.

For More Information:
Email info@m3missions.com or call 713.491.5108.

Morning Sessions
9am to 12pm

Workshop 01
Morning Session

Made for More: Finding Your Place is God’s Global Purpose

David Jackett, Texas Regional Director, Perspectives Study Program


The Chapel, 3rd Floor

Get a taste of God’s unchanging global purposes and how you can co-labor with Him as He works to complete all He has planned. Using key ideas from the Perspectives™ course, these sessions will look how God’s story is unfolding among all peoples.

What does it mean to integrate life for Christ’s global purpose as a “world Christian”? Explore practical ways of pursuing God’s purposes, such as going, sending, welcoming, mobilizing, community building, giving, praying, and learning.

Session 1:
You Were Made for More!

Session 2:
The Practices of a World Christian

Session 3:
The Disciplines of a World Christian

Workshop 02
Morning Session

Ultrasound for Medical Missions

Sarah Jennings, BS, RDMS, RVT and Kathy Marquardt, RDMS, RVT

Sponsored by:
Fujifilm SonoSite


Mission Control, 3rd Floor

Ultrasound is an invaluable tool to use for diagnosis and procedural guidance and is often the only imaging modality that can be taken to remote areas.  This 3 hour workshop will teach you the basics of how to use ultrasound in these areas.  You will also gain access to a program that allows you to borrow ultrasounds for your mission trips at no charge to you.

Afternoon Sessions
1pm to 4pm

Workshop 03
Afternoon Session

Preparing for a Life in Missions

Mitch Duininck, MD and John Cropsey, MD


The Chapel, 3rd Floor

Veteran healthcare missionaries share their wisdom on how to best prepare for a life in missions.

Session 1:
What Not to Do if You Want to Do Missions

Session 2:
Sin, Failure and Unbelief: Prerequisites for Medical Missions

Session 3:
Misconceptions about Missions and Missionaries

Session 4:
Transformation through Teaching Teams

Workshop 04
Afternoon Session

Serving the Great Physician in Disaster Zones

Elliott Tenpenny, MD and Kelly Sites, RN

Sponsored by:
Samaritan’s Purse


Mission Control, 3rd Floor

This workshop is an introduction to Samaritan’s Purse and its Biblical basis for disaster response. We will cover the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) mentality, the sectors we primarily work in, and focus specifically on our medical response capabilities.

Session 1:
Overview of Disaster Response

Session 2:
Disaster Response Mentality

Session 3:
Emergency Medical Response

M3 Partners


Without our committed sponsors, we would not have the same ability to bring hope and healing to those in need around the world.


As an exhibitor at the M3 conference you’ll be connected with like-minded people who are looking to bless you and be blessed by you.

Church Partners

Joining us in partnership is a commitment to hope and healing across the globe. Help us be the hands and feet of Jesus to the world.

PreConference Workshop