2025 M3 Conference Poster Presentation Abstract Submission
2025 M3 Conference Poster Presentation Abstract Submission
Submission Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2025M3PosterAbstract
Mobilizing Medical Missions (M3) is proud to announce a call for poster presentation abstracts for the 10th Annual M3 Conference to be held in Houston, Texas, on Friday, February 21, and Saturday, February 22, 2025.
We welcome abstracts with a focus in Global Health work in the following three categories:
This page includes important information regarding due dates and abstract submission requirements and guidelines, as well as an FAQ at the end, so please READ IN FULL AND CAREFULLY FOLLOW THE ABSTRACT INSTRUCTIONS AND YOUR CATEGORY OF CHOICE GUIDELINES.
Important Dates:
- August 1, 2024 – Call for abstracts opens
- November 15, 2024* – Deadline for abstract submissions(*NOTE: maximum 50 submissions will be accepted)
- December 16, 2024 – Notification of status
- January 13, 2025 – Acceptance of poster presentation status due
- February 21, 2025 – Poster set-up at M3 Conference
- February 21-22, 2025 – Poster presented at M3 Conference
- February 22, 2025 – Poster awards presented
General Instructions, Requirements & Information:
- Abstracts must be solely the work of the author(s) stated.
- Any source of funding should be disclosed.
- Only .pdf files will be accepted.
- The page size must be U.S. letter.
- The word count should be a maximum of 350 words, not including characters or identifying information (i.e. title, category, authors, contact info, etc.).
- Abstract must include title, author(s), category (scientific, program/project or education), and primary contact with cell phone number and email address, along with the subject/outline information required, which is noted under each category below.
- One submission allowed per person.
- All submissions will be peer reviewed by a project committee, which will select abstracts to be presented as posters.
- Monetary prizes will be awarded to the 1st and 2nd place poster winners.
- Please read on for detailed requirements and guidelines for each of the three Global Health abstract submission categories.
Tips for a successful abstract submission:
- Be sure your submission has clear objectives and conclusions.
- If you do not have a clearly defined and completed program, project or study, you are less likely to have an abstract that will advance to the poster presentation session.
- If your abstract is only a summary of your mission program, it is less likely to advance to the poster presentation session.
- Global Health: Study, research, education and practice that places a priority on improving the health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide. Global Health programs and practitioners emphasize meeting pressing global healthcare needs in resource limited settings, both international and domestic.
Category Abstract Submission Outline Requirements & Guidelines*:
Note: There should be some ethical clearance such as IRB approval or consent from study subjects.
Click here to view two samples of Scientific category posters.
Required Background & Objectives:
- Context.
- Why the study was done, in one or two sentences.
- Aims/Objectives: State specific aim(s) or hypothesis, if appropriate.
Required Methods:
- Study Design: Indicate where the study was done – countries and how many centers/hospitals. What was the study design (e.g. case control, case series, cross sectional, randomized controlled). If appropriate, provide information about randomization, masking, and stratification (how were participants allocated to groups? Were participants, investigators, and those assessing outcomes masked to group assignments?).
- Participants: Who were they? How were they recruited? How many were studied? Were they male or female, children or adults? What were the inclusion and exclusion criteria?
- Interventions: If appropriate. For example, for drugs, please provide doses, route and schedule of administration.
- Analysis:
- What were the primary outcomes; how did you decide on or calculate the number of individuals to be included in the study; what statistical tests did you use? If a randomized controlled trial, was the analysis per protocol or intention to treat, or something else?
- Details of ethics approval and patient consent. Was informed consent (written or verbal) obtained from the participant or their guardian? Who approved the study?
- If applicable, please provide registration number and name of trial register.
Required Results/Findings:
- Provide number of participants assigned and analyzed in each group.
- Describe outcomes, data, and statistical tests if appropriate. For example, for randomized controlled trials, the actual numbers and percentages for the primary outcome(s), and estimated effect size (e.g. odds ratio) and its precision (e.g. 95% CI). Please report SD for mean values and IQR for medians, and give exact p values unless p < 0.0001.
- Any important adverse events/side effects.
Required Interpretation & Conclusion:
- General interpretation of the results and their significance.
- Outline limitations and strengths of the study.
- Optional: Explain how your results could be translated into a global health innovation or policy to solve the problem you are addressing in your abstract. Future directions?
Required Source of Funding:
- List source of funding – if none, write “none”.
Note: The following is provided as a guideline and not a rule/requirement since a number of the items listed below may not be applicable to all programs/projects.
Click here to view a sample of a Program and Project category poster.
Background & Objectives:
- Identify the problem that the program/project is addressing.
- Program/project timeline and location(s).
- Why the program/project is in place, in one or two sentences.
- Program/project’s intervention(s).
- Primary outcomes of the program/project.
- Program/project goals and desired outcomes.
- Participants and Stakeholders: how were they selected and/or recruited?
- Capacity Building and Sustainability: what is the plan and structure in place to encourage viability?
- To date, what are the successes and outcomes achieved?
- Monitoring and Evaluation results (if conducted).
Interpretation & Conclusion:
- What are the ongoing challenges?
- Are there any unmet goals?
- How are/may future program activities change(d) as a result?
- Optional: Explain how your results could be translated into a global health innovation or policy to solve the problem you are addressing in your abstract. Future directions?
Source of Funding:
- List source of funding – if none, write “none”.
Note: The “Education” category is intended for abstracts relating to the following:
- Instructional methodology.
- Curriculum and course design.
- Assessment/evaluation of educational programs.
- Experiential learning in global health.
- Administrative issues related to education, including working with university administration and international partners.
- The art and science of teaching and learning.
- Community/Public Education.
- Education in Health Policy or Ethics.
- Global Health Education Research.
The “Education” category is not appropriate for abstracts relating to medical or clinical research of which education is only a component of the overall project (use the “Scientific” category) or abstracts relating to global health programs and projects for which education is only a component of the program or project (use the “Program & Project” category).
“Education” category abstracts should only be submitted for educational programs or projects that have been implemented and evaluated in some way.
Required Background & Objectives:
- Identify the educational initiative, curriculum, or intervention being addressed.
- State the significance of the educational initiative, curriculum, or intervention.
- Identify the learning objectives and/or goals of the educational initiative, curriculum, or intervention being described.
Required Methods:
- Provide a description of initiative (program/curriculum/intervention).
- Describe the degree of innovation in the topic matter, methods, or perspective of the project.
- Indicate how the initiative in the abstract thoughtfully builds on existing global health educational and pedagogical methods.
- Indicate the initiative time period, location of the initiative, participants, and stakeholders.
Required Results/Findings:
- Describe the evaluation, outcomes, and/or results of the initiative, curriculum, or intervention.
Required Interpretation & Conclusion:
- Describe the evaluation of the initiative and/or impact and broader implications of initiatives and/or lessons learned.
- Describe whether the initiative is scalable beyond the institution where the initiative took place or has relevance to teaching methods and practices across borders.
- Describe the initiative’s potential impact on global health practice, education, and/or policy.
- Optional: Explain how your results could be translated into a global health innovation or policy to solve the problem you are addressing in your abstract. Future directions?
Required Source of Funding:
- List source of funding – if none, write “none”
Once you have reviewed all of the aforementioned information and prepared your abstract according to these instructions, requirements and guidelines, please enter your abstract submission at the following link:
Submission Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2025M3PosterAbstract
*These category requirements and guidelines were developed using the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) abstract submission guidelines.
The M3 Conference will take place on Friday, February 21 and Saturday, February 22, 2025, at Lakewood Church at 3700 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas 77027.
November 15, 2024, or once 50 submissions have been received, whichever comes first.
Your abstract must include:
- Title
- Author(s)
- Category (scientific, program/project or education)
- Primary contact with cell phone number and email address
- The subject/outline information required, which is noted under each category above.
- Any source of funding should be disclosed.
Also note:
- The abstract must be submitted in PDF format.
- The page size must be U.S. letter.
- The word count should be a maximum of 350 words, not including characters or identifying information (i.e. title, category, authors, contact info, etc.).
Through the “Submission Link” on this page or click here to access submission link. Abstracts will be accepted up to November 15, 2024, or once 50 submissions have been received, whichever comes first.
Yes. To do so, please email your corrected abstract in PDF format to info@m3missions.com no later than November 15, 2024. Also, in the email’s subject line note “Corrected Abstract Submission,” and in the body of the email, please note the primary contact that you submitted your original abstract under.
At least one author/presenter should be available to stand by your poster on Friday, February 21 from 9:00 p.m.-10:30 p.m. to answer questions. This is the time when the judges will review the posters. Additionally, posters will be on display on Friday, Feb. 21 from 6:00 p.m.-10:30 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 22 from 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. You are welcome to stay by your poster during any of these times, but only required during the judging period on Friday.
If you cannot find an answer to your question on this page, please email your question to info@m3missions.com or call 713.491.5108.
M3 sponsors help support the vision of M3 by contributing financially and have an opportunity to promote their own organization through partnering.
M3 exhibitors have the opportunity to present and educate about their organization, as well as connect with people looking for a place to serve.
M3 church partners are ministries from many different Christian denominations who believe in and support the heart and vision of the M3 Conference.