SIM ANGOLA – Project of the Year
The vision of SIM Angola is to realize witness of Christ's love where he is least-known in Angola, disciples of Jesus expressing God's love in their communities, and Christ-centered churches in Angola serving their communities while reaching out with the gospel locally and globally.
Located on the western Atlantic coast of southern Africa between Namibia and the Republic of the Congo, Angola is one of the most underdeveloped countries in Africa. Rich with precious gems, oil, and other natural resources, Angola has the potential of a rich economy. Yet, today, more than half of Angola's people live under the poverty line while two-thirds live on less than $2 a day.
Angola faces a significant shortage of physicians. Few hospitals have the necessary physical and human resources available to offer high-quality medical services. Additionally, the lack of clean water, proper nutrition and education foundationally contribute to the overall poor healthcare status of the population. Childhood mortality is about 1/5 before the age of 5 yrs. Maternal mortality hovers around 400/100,000 births in comparison to Finland's 5/100,000 and the USA's 13/100,000 births. Only one out of 5 mothers who might need a C-section actually get one.
Through their partnership with Centro Evangélico de Medicina do Lubango (CEML), SIM Angola is providing Hope through Christ in Angola. Clínica CEML's mission is to show God's love to Angolans by offering quality medical assistance holistically.
CEML provides healthcare to an immediate catchment population of over 2.5 million Angolans within a 250-kilometer radius and serves as a referral center for a much larger region. 50% of the population in the catchment area has no direct access to primary healthcare and they often have over a 2-day walk to CEML. Several small government dispensaries and health centers are in the areas surrounding CEML and provide many patient referrals.
CEML continuously strives to provide excellent healthcare to the most vulnerable patients. Through partners like SIM Angola, CEML is operating in its seventeenth year providing the highest quality care and now educating Angolan medical professionals – all within a financial sustainability model.