Beautiful Feet

Beautiful Feet

Two weeks ago we were doing an emergency surgery late one night when Gift, the nurse on duty, urgently came to the theatre (OR) door and told us a young lady who was very sick had just come to the hospital and needed our immediate attention. She lived in one of the many small villages on the west side of the Zambezi River across from Chitokoloki. Several days earlier she had a miscarriage and day after day since, she had continued to bleed. She had passed so much blood that she was barely able to stand and she was much too weak to walk. The woman realized that she desperately needed help. Her concerned family and friends loaded her onto the back of an ox cart and after a several hour journey through the deep, sandy paths, they made it to the river—long after dark. They then helped her into a small dugout canoe, only 16 inches across and just a few inches deep, and paddled her across the crocodile infested waters of the Zambezi late that night. Finally, they reached their destination as they carried her on a makeshift stretcher up the steep one kilometer bank to the hospital.

I finished the emergency surgery I was doing and quickly went to assess her. She was cold (it is winter in Zambia and it gets very cold at night) and wet (from the trek across the river) and shivering and in shock. She was SO pale. Her hemoglobin, which should be 12-15 grams, was 3 grams. Her blood pressure was barely recordable. Gift quickly took a sample of her blood to the lab for a cross-match for transfusion.

I remember so vividly that she had no shoes on her feet. And her feet were calloused and scarred from her life of daily toil. And every swirl and crevice and ridge of the soles of her feet were darkly stained with the soil from around her home and village. In the bright light of the operating room, the contrast of her pale skin and the swirling dark patterns made her feet look beautiful—almost like a work of art.

I did an ultrasound and saw that we needed to operate to stop the blood loss. By then the operating theatre was clean and ready, so we moved her there and covered her with blankets and attached her to a machine that blows warm air under the blankets in order to try to bring her body temperature up. Julie Rachel (one of the long term nurses here at Chitokoloki) started big IVs, Allison (another nurse) helped Kyombo (works in theatre) get the instruments ready for surgery. Meanwhile, Victor and the lab team brought us three units of cold blood. Three of us took bags and tucked them under our arms next to our chest to try to warm them before transfusing them. Within an hour we had given her two units of blood and a third one was slowly dripping in. Her blood pressure was now 100 mmHg, she was nice and warm, and I had done surgery and was able to stop her bleeding.

As we waited there in the theatre after surgery, I couldn’t help but reflect on what I had just witnessed and the image that was now before me. A young lady so desperately ill. Concerned family and friends who courageously brought her for help. Gift, who had so quickly and accurately assessed her when she was admitted. Victor, who had left his home on this cold night to come to the lab to make sure she had blood. Kyombo and Alison and JR who were tired from working all day, never hesitating to offer their services and help.

Now, this lady is warm, her blood pressure is normal, the blood is transfused, the bleeding has been stopped, and blankets are piled on top of her as she is surrounded by people who have tenderly and compassionately and expertly and expeditiously cared for her. All in the Name of, and for the sake of Jesus—our Lord and Savior. There is no doubt in my mind…this pleases His heart greatly.

When I was sick, you cared for Me. -Matthew 25:36

A few days later, she crossed the Zambezi again in the small dugout canoe. She trekked hours through the sands to her village and smiled broadly as she was embraced by grateful family and friends. And she wore no shoes on her beautiful feet as she made her journey home.

Don’t Miss Out

Don’t miss out! Register today to stay in the know about exciting events happening even before our 2017 M3 Conference in February.  We’ve already had one Facebook Live event with Dr. Paul Osteen, but in case you missed it, be sure to register today to receive updates on upcoming events.  We’ll be announcing new speakers, exhibitors, and live events right here so check back soon.

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Giving thanks and looking forward

Giving thanks and looking forward

Over the last few months, because of the faithful support of so many people, we have been able to help people all around the world.

We were able to give three brand new ultrasound machines to missionaries working in three different countries.  From my personal experience, I can assure you that an ultrasound is an invaluable tool in remote parts of the world.  Often the only diagnostic tool available in these areas is simple x-ray. An ultrasound greatly expands the ability to diagnose and better treat patients.  The ultrasound is especially invaluable in the obstetrics setting–allowing assessment of the baby and allowing doctors to better care for the mother and child.

One will go to a new Christian mission hospital in Burundi, Africa.  Dr. Jason Fader is a great friend and he and other doctors are establishing a teaching hospital in Burundi.  Another ultrasound will go to Dr. Arega Fekadu to be used in Malawi, Africa.  The last machine will go to Dr. Alex Philip and his hospital in Bihar, India.  Each and every ultrasound will go to help people in some of the most impoverished areas of the world, helping people with little or no access to quality medical care, reaching out to these people with the kindness and compassion of Jesus.

We were able to purchase a new autoclave for a mission hospital in rural Zambia.  An autoclave sterilizes surgical instruments for use in the operating room.  This particular hospital’s autoclave had been malfunctioning for months, at times preventing the doctors from performing necessary surgery.  This new autoclave will assure that surgery will continue to help the people in such urgent need.

We were able to give a substantial gift to help Syrian refugees.  As you know, hundreds of thousands of people have fled the violence in Syria.  Through our partnership with Dr. Sam Ra’ad and Health Outreach for the Middle East, we are able to reach out to these people in need.

We were able to begin the construction process of a dental clinic in far western Kenya.  The people in this remote area have little or no access to dental care.  As a surgeon, I can attest that I often see neglected dental problems lead to life-threatening infections.  Being able to care for the dental needs of people will make a significant impact for the Kingdom.

With our joint venture with Franklin Graham and Samaritan’s Purse we were able to construct and fully furnish visiting doctors housing at Mukinge mission hospital in Zambia.  Because of the shortage of housing, often it was difficult to accommodate the visiting doctors that are so needed to help with the burden of care at Mukinge.  This new side-by-side duplex will allow two families and 8-10 people to be comfortably housed.  The missionaries at Mukinge are SO grateful.  I should be able to see the new construction when I go to Mukinge in April.


Many more projects are planned in the future, but I–like the one leper who came back to say thanks–wanted to express my gratitude to all who have contributed.  And mostly I want to say thanks to God for all He IS doing and all He is GOING to do this year.  It is such an honor to be a part of advancing His Kingdom.  Blessings!

This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life.  It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike, “What’s next, Papa?”  Romans 8:15 Message

At our door

At our door

“I prefer a church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security.  More than by  fear of going astray, my hope is that we will be moved by the fear of remaining shut up within structures which give us a false sense of security, within rules which make us harsh judges, within habits which make us feel safe, while at our door  people are starving and Jesus does not tire of saying to us, “Give them something to eat”.”

Pope Francis

Evangeilli Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel)

