Closing the Culture Gap of Medical Missions

Understanding culture in missions is foundational, but do we understand missions culture? There is a culture gap in medical missions but it is not the culture gap we usually consider. The biggest culture gap in medical missions is often the one that exists between...

Missions 101: Tips on Volunteering Abroad

“When we enter new cultures, we become keenly aware of the fact that other people live differently.  At first we see the difference in dress, food, language, and behavior.  Then we learn that there are profound differences in beliefs, feelings and values.  Finally, we...

M3 in the News

M3 would like to thank for their great write-up about our conference this past February.  Click here to read the article.  Guidry News, we are so glad you were here.

It is God Calling You

“When Jesus calls you, like human resource managers, He always adds, ‘and other duties as assigned…’” quips Dr. Martin Nkundeki in his Plenary Session at the 2018 M3 Conference. Christians around the world come face to face with people in difficult situations. Many...