Terry Dalrymple, MDiv

Terry Dalrymple serves as Founder and Coordinator of Global CHE Network, Vice-President of the Alliance for Transformational Ministry, and as faculty at the United Nation’s Geneva Institute for Leadership and Public Policy. He is a visionary leader. For more than twenty-five years, Mr Dalrymple has championed the cause of the poorest of the poor, training and mobilizing workers around the world to facilitate processes that lift whole communities out of cycles of poverty and disease and bring people to faith in Christ. He will not stop until that little girl in the darkest corner of the smallest hut in the most marginalized village on earth has hope in Christ and the promise of a brighter future.
After a decade of service in the Philippines, Mr Dalrymple pioneered for Medical Ambassadors International in 9 countries in Southeast Asia, working together with partners to establish CHE programs in more than 400 communities. Later as International Coordinator at Medical Ambassadors, he guided the expansion of a growing global movement, and in 2008 founded the Global CHE Network.
Community Health Evangelism (CHE) is a strategy for village transformation that seamlessly integrates Christian Discipleship with disease prevention, and community-based development. Using this strategy, villages are transformed, and movements are catalyzed that sweep the countryside. The strategy is multidimensional, addressing the whole need of individuals and communities – spiritually, physically, socially, intellectually, and economically. Representatives from more than 650 different organizations are now using it in 130 countries.