Fares Abraham, MBA

Fares Abraham was born and raised in Bethlehem in the Holy Land. He is the founder and CEO of Levant Ministries, a nonprofit organization dedicated to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with Arabic-speaking people across the Middle East. He is an author and a frequent speaker at major conferences and events around the world. Prior to establishing Levant Ministries, Fares worked as a senior training specialist, instructional designer and consultant for a variety of chief U.S./international corporations and leading government agencies.
Fares launched the NEXTGEN Leaders Initiative in the U.S. in 2015 for the purpose of equipping and sending Arab-Americans on short and long-term missions to the Middle East. The initiative grew exponentially to include both U.S. and Middle East based missions and soon became a catalyst for Middle Eastern youth and young adults’ participation in missions throughout the region and into the entire world. Fares’ long-term vision is to see thriving churches across the Middle East reaching the lost for Jesus and sending disciple-makers around the globe in order to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission (Acts 1:8).
Fares leads multiple Levant Ministries teams in various locations in the Middle East and in North America. He holds an MBA and a doctorate degree in Strategic Leadership from Liberty University where he currently serves as a faculty member at the school of business. Fares is most passionate about reaching, equipping, and empowering the next generation of leaders. He and his wife, Soha, have three children.