Beryl D’Souza-Vali, MRCPCH

Dr. D’Souza-Vali leads the multi-faceted Good Shepherd Health Care (GSHC), the healthcare division of Good Shepherd/Operation Mobilization India (OMI) Ministries. GSHC is dedicated to bringing human rights to the most vulnerable people of India by restoring health and well-being through medical services and preventative treatment. They are enthusiastic advocates for equality-based healthcare for all of India, especially women and children. GSHC’s main areas of focus are human trafficking, women’s rights and the flesh trade. The organization collaborates with other Dalit activists and medical professionals around the globe to gather the necessary resources for the “untouchable” people of India to achieve health and well-being.
Especially concerned with the issues of human trafficking, women’s rights and the ritual flesh trade, GSHC works with other Dalit activists and medical professionals around the globe to bring together the required resources to see the “untouchable” people of India achieve health and well-being in this generation.
Dr. D’Souza-Vali pioneered OMI’s Good Shepherd Community Health Worker programme in 2006 and Anti-Human Trafficking programme in 2012. Through her ability to passionately and eloquently express concerns surrounding human rights and community health, she is quickly becoming one of India’s prominent and global campaigners on these issues. She is married to Joshua and they have three sons, 8-year-old Joey and 5-year-old twins Noah and Max.