Good Shepherd Health Initiative
Empowering through quality, non-exploitative, person-centered HEALTH care accessible to all, especially women and children

The Problem

India is a country of great divides.  Those who are born in a low caste, who are female and have an impoverished economic status, suffer triple discrimination due to being stigmatized for statuses beyond their control.  They are vulnerable to abuse and denied access to basic quality healthcare.  COVID-19 has intensified these disparities with many left as orphans, in crippling debt and without crucial family members. 

Covid Emergency Response

The Mission

The Good Shepherd Church of India runs healthcare and human trafficking prevention projects to protect and empower the most vulnerable.  We envision a day when every man, woman and child in India is free to be fully human.

The Solution

Freedom is an illusion unless you have basic health and liberty.  Good Shepherd HEALTH CARE works with local communities to provide a four-tier system focusing on the needs of women, children, Dalit (untouchables), ritual sex workers, and other marginalized groups.

India Initiative Impact

The Impact

Good Shepherd has directly impacted close to 10 million people over the last decade through health awareness, primary health care, early referrals, and nutrition support. Its unique feature is a focus on community development with an emphasis on the prevention of violence against young girls by preventing and stopping child marriage and sex and labor trafficking.